Mrs.C-W's Website
Below you will find our semester's activity schedule. We will do our best to stick to it, therefore students should be prepared for their activity; such as proper clothes for outdoors or in.
As we approach
the fitness and
health units the
assignments and
due dates will be
available on this
- keep in touch.

Weekly Schedule
Grade 9 PPL 10
September 3-6 Tennis
September 9-13 Softball
September 16-20 Fitness
September 23-27 Football
Sept/Oct 30-4 Ultimate
October 7-11 Soccer
October 15-18 Health
October 21-25 Fitness
Oct/Nov 28-1 Baskeball
November 4-8 Health
November 11-15 Health
November 18-22 Volleyball
November 25-29 Tchouckball
December 2-6 Handball
December 9-13 Weights
December 16-20 Outdoor
January 6-10 Badminton
January 13-17 Floorball
January 20-24 LOGs
Fitness and health units require students to have pen, paper and binder.
Grade 11/12 PAF 3/4
Below you will find our semester's activity schedule. We will do our best to stick to it, therefore students should be prepared for the days activities. We will be in the classroom and the fitness
room throughout
the first few
weeks so always
be prepared.


Week 1 - Health
Week 2 - Mon,Wed,Fri. - Health
- Tues.&Thurs - Workout
Week 3 - Mon,Wed,Fri. - Health
- Tues.&Thurs - Workout
Week 4 - Fitness testing
*Health test Friday
Week 5-10 - 6 weeks training