Mrs.C-W's Website
Unit 1 - Science Exploration and Careers
September 3rd
September 2nd
Today we discussed the class rules and expectations. Students received course outlines and parent letters as well as a communication form to be filled out and returned. We then logged on to the computers to setup our passwords and get familiar with the class website.
Today we worked on the Career Exploration assignment.
September 4th
September 5th
Today we attended the grade 9 welcome back assembly. We then continued to work on the Career Exploration assignment.
Today we went outside and learned about quantiitative and qualitative observations.
Today we reviewed Friday's activities and then took a note on observations. We then took a note on depenant and independant variables.
September 8th
Today we completed an experiment on Rotocopters.
September 9th
Today we learned how to write up a lab. Together we wrote up the lab for our Rotocopter experiment.
September 10th
September 11th
Today we finished writing up our lab and summitted it to the teacher.
We then started our Ecology unit - we read the story on page 21 and answered questions 1-4. Those finished early continued on to complete the questions on page 23.