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Today we reviewed Fridays note and then continue to Atomic Number and Atomic Mass and calcuating protons,neutrons, and electrons.

December 1st

Quiz Tomorrow

Today we had a quiz. We then worked on atomic mass and number and complete worksheets - one together and one for homework.

December 2nd

Today we reviewed yesterday's work and then we learned about molecules and compounds.

December 3rd

Blank periodic table

Today we reviewed the yesterday's work then completed questions on pg 251 - #1-5.

December 4th

December 5th

Quiz today. Today we completed Review for the test on Tuesday. Complete questions: pg.238 1-4,6,8,10-14,17,18,26,27.

pg.240 #1-6,10,13,21

pg.270 #1,3,4,11,13,21

pg.272 #2,18

Quiz Tomorrow

Today we took up all the questions that were for homework and reviewed for tomorrow's test.

December 6th

Test Today.

December 7th

Test Tomorrow

Merry Christmas

October 31st

Today we finished our Presentations and began our Chemistry Unit.

We learned section 5.2 - we took a note and completed questions #1-4 pg.179


Today we took up the questions on page192 and began to review for the test.


Pg.202 #1-15, 18-22

Pg.203-204 #1-8 & 10-12


November 14th

Today we did a lab on physcial and chemical changes.


November 13th

quiz tomorrow

We learn about Chemical Changes today and took a short not on it. We then read pgs.182-185 and answered questions #1-6.


November 12th

We completed our Physical Properties lab.

The write up is due tomorrow in class.


November 11th

November 10th

We reviewed physical properties and learned chemical properties. We took a short note and read Section 5.3 and answered  questions #1-4. We then prepped for tomorrow's lab.


November 7th

We took up answers to yesterday's work. We then did a lesson and took notes on the Physical Changes.


We learned about physical properties.We read Section 5.2 and answered questions #1-6.

November 6th

Take your Kid To Work.


November 5th

November 3rd

November 4th

We reviewed physical properties and learned chemical properties. We took a short note and read Section 5.3 and answered  questions #1-4. We then prepped for tomorrow's lab.

Physical & Chemical Changes

Today we took up the questions on the lab and then learned about Characteristic Physical Properties. Section 5.7 We did questions #1-7.



November 16th

Today we took up the  review questions and prepared for tomorrows test.



November 17th



November 18th

Today we took up the  review questions and prepared for tomorrows test.


November 19th

Today we Read pg 207 and 210-211. We then copied the definitons into our notes and we copied table 1. Then we watched a Bill Nye video on atoms and completed a quiz on the movie.


Today we began the periodic table and did a worksheet/activity on it. Mrs.C-W away.


November 20th

Today we watched a Movie - The Blue Planet and continued to work on our periodic table assignment. Mrs.C-W away.


November 21st

November 24th

November 25th

Today we took up our worksheet on atomic number and mass and then visited the co-op fair.


November 26th

November 27th

Today we reviewed the atoms and its parts and charges


Quiz today. We learned more about the periodic table.


November 28th

Today we reviewed the symbols - first 20 + 3. Quiz tomorrow on elements. We reviewed the periods and families of periodic table and the elements' state at room temperature. We then completed pg. 217 #1-3,5-7,9a&b,11

Today we had a quiz. Then we took a note on Metals,non-metals and metalloids.

We then did a literacy assignment - Tough as Titanium

Quiz Tomorrow


Test Tuesday

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