Mrs.C-W's Website
Unit 2 - ECOLOGY
September 12th
Today we read - "Round Gobies" on pg 25 and watched a related video. We then completed lesson 2.1 in which we read pgs.28-29 and completed questions #1-5
Today we took up questions. We then started section 2.2. We had a smartboard lesson and were assigned to read pgs 30-33.
September 15th
Homework: Complete questions: #1,2,3,4 & 6 pg. 41
Today we reviewed all our Ecology information up to today. Then we learned energy flow in ecosystems. We read pg38 and did Smartboard lesson 2.5.
September 17th
Today we learned about food webs from smartboard lesson 2.6.2. We went online to create a food web.
Today we took up the quiz - a rewrite will be completed on Wednesday. We reviewed organisms in the food chain and praticed labelling food webs.
Today we continued to label the food web worksheet. It must be done for tomorrow.
Reminder - Quiz tomorrow
Today we learned about the water cycle. We watched a video and discussed it. We then researched water cycle diagrams to draw and began drawing - must be completed for homework.
Today we submitted our water cycle diagrams. We then learned about the carbon cycle and watched a video and discussed it. We then researched David Suzuki's website (see below) to find 5 issues that we are interested in and read the info, completed petitions were possible. We must write why we choose this topic. We will continue this on Monday.

Today we continued to work on the David Suzuki page. We then completed questions #2,3&5 on pg51. This must be down for Monday.
Test - Friday, October 10th
October 6th
October 14th
October 15th
October 16th
October 17th - 22
Today we reviewed the material covered in section 2.2. We then continued our lesson on the Ecological Organizational Ladder and drew our own ladder as outline in Lesson 2.2 - this was submitted at the end of class. We completed questions #1,2, & 3, for homework.
September 16th
September 18th
September 19th
September 22nd
Today we continued to create food webs online. Webs must be submitted be the end of class.
September 23rd
September 24th
September 25th
September 26th
Today we finished our food web worksheet and then completed the Focus on Math activity on pgs 52-53.
Today we learned about food chains from smartboard lesson 2.6. We learned various terms that organisms are labelled.
Today we began a food web worksheet and had to label the web with the appropriate organisms.
September 29th
September 30th
October 1st
Today we finsihed our water cycle diagrams and submitted them
October 2nd
October 3rd
Today we visited the computer lab and found a diagram of the carbon cycle to draw. We then drew a diagram describing all the things we learned about the carbon cycle.
Today we received a review sheet to help us prepare for our upcoming test.
Test - Friday, October 10th
Today we took up review sheet together.
October 7th
Today we did another review - various activities on the smartboard.
October 8th
October 9th
Teacher was away today we were assigned class work -
October 10th
Today we took our Chapter Test.
Today we read Section 3.5 together. Then we copied table 1 in our notebook as well as Figure 4. Then we completed questions #1-4, and 6-10.
Today we took up the work completed yesterday. We were then introduced to our Major Project for this Unit.
Teacher away today - our assignment is below.
Today we went to the computer lab to begin research on our Endangered Species Project.
Today we went to the computer lab to finish up our Endangered Species Project. Must be submitted by the end of class or Monday.
October 23
Students finished their project had to Read Section 3.7 and answer questions #1,2,3,5.
Today we completed the Literacy article on page 104 and answered questions pertaining to the article.
October 27
Endangered Species - Due Monday, Oct 27
We then read page 105-107 and answered questions #1-4.
Today some students shared their Endangered Species power point. We then began our review package for the chapter. pg.118-119 #1-6, 9-11,14,15,20,22,23,25
pg. 120-121 - #1-6, *
October 28
October 29
Today some students shared their Endangered Species power point. We then began our review package for the chapter. pg.118-119 #1-6, 9-11,14,15,20,22,23,25
pg. 120-121 - #1-6, *
Today we continued on the review package and then begun a Literacy article on page 110 and answered questions pertaining to the article.